Shuaixiang Zhao

Contact Information

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  • Aug.2016-Present,
  • Duke University
  • Ph.D candidate in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
  • Sep.2013-June.2016
  • Zhengzhou University
  • M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering
  • Sep.2009-June. 2013
  • Zhengzhou University
  • B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering

Research Interests

  • Acoustofluidics
  • Microphone
  • Biomedical Engineering

Awards and Honors:

Chinese Government Scholarship (China Scholarship Council)


  • Wei Zhai, Shuaiguo Zhao, Yan Wang, Guoqiang Zheng, Kun Dai, Chuntai Liu, Changyu Shen. Segregated conductive polymer composite with synergistically electrical and mechanical properties. Composites, Part A, 2018, 105,68-77.
  • Shuaiguo Zhao, Dandan Lou, Guojie Li, Yanjun Zheng, Guoqiang Zheng, Kun Dai, Chuntai Liu, Yuanli Jian, Changyu Shen. Bridging the segregated structure in conductive polypropylene composites: An effective method to balance the sensitivity and stability of strain sensing performances, Composites Science and Technology, 2018, 163, 18-25.
  • Shuaiguo Zhao, Guojie Li, Hu Liu, Kun Dai, Guoqiang Zheng, Xingru Yan, Chuntai Liu, Jingbo Chen, Changyu Shen, Zhanhu Guo. Conductive Nanocomposites: Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) Evolution of Segregated Structural Conductive Polypropylene Nanocomposites with Visually Traceable Carbon Black Conductive Network. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2017, 4,17700265. (featured as back cover image)
  • Shuaiguo Zhao, Dandan Lou, Pengfei Zhan, Guojie Li, Kun Dai, Jiang Guo, Guoqiang Zheng, Chuntai Liu, Changyu Shen, Zhanhu Guo. Heating-induced negative temperature coefficient effect in conductive graphene/polymer ternary nanocomposites with a segregated and double-percolated structure. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5, 8233-8242. (selected as Hot Topic papers)
  • Guojie Li, Chao Hu, Wei Zhai, Shuaiguo Zhao, Guoqiang Zheng, Kun Dai, Chuntai Liu, Changyu Shen. Particle size induced tunable positive temperature coefficient characteristics in electrically conductive carbon nanotubes/polypropylene composites. Materials Letters, 2016, 182:314-317.
  • Yan Lan, Hu Liu, Xiaohan Cao, Shuaiguo Zhao, Kun Dai, Guoqiang Zheng, Chuntai Liu, Changyu Shen, Zhanhu Guo. Electrically conductive thermoplastic polyurethane/polypropylene nanocomposites with selectively distributed graphene. Polymer. 2016, 97, 11-19
  • Shuaiguo Zhao, Wei Zhai, Ning Li, Kun Dai, Guoqiang Zheng, Chuntai Liu, Jingbo Chen, Changyu Shen. Liquid sensing properties of carbon black/polypropylene composite with a segregated conductive network. Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 2014, 217:13-20.
  • Shuaiguo Zhao, Huijie Zhao, Guojie Li, Kun Dai, Guoqiang Zheng, Chuntai Liu, Changyu Shen. Synergistic effect of carbon fibers on the conductive properties of a segregated carbon black/polypropylene composite. Materials Letters, 2014, 129:72-75.
  • Kun Dai, Shuaiguo Zhao, Wei Zhai, Guoqiang Zheng, Chuntai Liu, Jingbo Chen, Changyu Shen. Tuning of liquid sensing performance of conductive carbon black (CB)/polypropylene (PP) composite utilizing a segregated structure. Composites Part A, 2013, 55: 11-18.